Monday, March 16, 2009

KCDS March Competitions



Photos are slowly going up on my proofing site! I want to thank each and every competitor who signed up to have their rides shot. I really appreciate your interest in my work and hope that you are pleased with the results. In case you've forgotten, you can access my proofing page by going to my main site, entering the "equine" portion of the site, and clicking on "proofing". Then select the competition name. The direct URL to proofing can be reached by going here as well.

Please note that when viewing your photos, the slideshow feature is best. However, DO NOT maximize the slideshow to full-screen. I size my photos fairly small for uploading, and if you view the slideshow larger than the normal size, the photos will look fuzzy. You can save your favorites right from the slideshow!

I will be continuing to get photos up throughout today and the next couple of days. Riders are being posted in alphabetical order (last name) as I finish each rider. So keep checking back! I have the first four up, and the two photos above were quickly pulled from those first four that I've done so far.

Also, a BIG congratulations to Colleen Church McDowall on winning my raffle prize at the show! Colleen took home a $75 Dressage Extensions gift certificate.

I've got even more exciting news on the equine photography front, but I'll save those for another post. I need to get back to editing so everyone can see their shots!