Tuesday, March 31, 2009

New online proofing galleries are UP!

Goodbye, old online event galleries, hello, new!

Sarah Dickerson Photography has upgraded our online galleries, which means you will have a much easier proofing and ordering experience along with expanded print options!

Our new galleries are located at:

I have uploaded the entire KCDS March show to this site. You may order images from the show on EITHER proofing site. The old one (http://sarahdickerson.instaproofs.com) is still up and will remain up until the posted events on that site expire in a few months. You may still order on this site.

From now on, all events will be posted to the new proofing site. The new site is now linked from my home page. What does this mean to you?

- higher-quality viewing. I was quite disappointed in the uploaded image quality in my old galleries - images tended to look a bit soft and muddy.
- More ease of use. The new interface for ordering is VERY simple, with options and prices right next to each print.
- More products and prints to choose from. More sizes, the introduction of metallic prints (VERY cool on black and whites!), and products such as mugs, notecards, even a puzzle!

I hope you enjoy the new gallery. Please do comment and let me know what you think.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

want more than just a photo?

I've been collecting textures lately, I've even made a few of my own - both handmade and photographed. I've been experimenting with some photos as I've done this. While I believe they certainly can be overdone - I've seen some photographers use them on most of their work - or at least most of the work they're putting up, I think it does have a place in certain applications. I've also found it can do a lot in hiding an ugly background! Below are a few of my projects. This is definitely a work in progress, but in my quest to provide clients with some really neat ideas, I'm excited to be able to offer one-of-a-kind type pieces like these.


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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

More from KCDS

I'm finished with the KCDS photos - earlier than expected as I've been home sick from work! Everything is on my proofing site except the Saturday night freestyle awards, which I'll have up this evening. Below are a select few images (ok, a select LOT of images) from the show. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed taking them.

For those of you who are interested in my work, please stop by my booth at the following upcoming dressage shows in 2009. I will be at numerous Pony Express Horse Show Circuit shows this season as well - see my calendar on the website for updates.

April 25-26 William Woods Spring Dressage, Fulton, MO
May 23 High Point Farm Dressage Schooling Show, Paola, KS
July 9-11 Missouri Dressage Classic, Columia, MO
October 4 KCDS Championship Schooling Show, Lee's Summit, MO

If you're a show organizer and interested in my services, please shoot me an email or give me a call. Although I'm getting relatively booked for the year between shows and weddings, I do have a few slots open in the very late summer and fall.

Enjoy the photos!

























Monday, March 16, 2009

KCDS March Competitions



Photos are slowly going up on my proofing site! I want to thank each and every competitor who signed up to have their rides shot. I really appreciate your interest in my work and hope that you are pleased with the results. In case you've forgotten, you can access my proofing page by going to my main site www.sarahdickersonphoto.com, entering the "equine" portion of the site, and clicking on "proofing". Then select the competition name. The direct URL to proofing can be reached by going here as well.

Please note that when viewing your photos, the slideshow feature is best. However, DO NOT maximize the slideshow to full-screen. I size my photos fairly small for uploading, and if you view the slideshow larger than the normal size, the photos will look fuzzy. You can save your favorites right from the slideshow!

I will be continuing to get photos up throughout today and the next couple of days. Riders are being posted in alphabetical order (last name) as I finish each rider. So keep checking back! I have the first four up, and the two photos above were quickly pulled from those first four that I've done so far.

Also, a BIG congratulations to Colleen Church McDowall on winning my raffle prize at the show! Colleen took home a $75 Dressage Extensions gift certificate.

I've got even more exciting news on the equine photography front, but I'll save those for another post. I need to get back to editing so everyone can see their shots!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

It's horse show season!

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I can't tell you all how excited I am for the KCDS Kickoff Competitions next weekend! I have a brand new display, tons of cool new ideas, and lots and LOTS of fun stuff planned! If you are showing, here are a few things to note:

- If you want your rides photographed by SDP, you WILL need to sign up with us. This can be done anytime there's someone at our booth (which should be just about any time you're around!) Sign up is free.
- We have LOTS and LOTS of cool stuff planned. Stop by our booth and find out exactly what! I promise everyone will like! :)
- We have a backdrop available to us for still shots with your ribbons, or just a portrait of your horse. If you'd like SDP to take one of these shots, just stop by and ask! Even if I'm shooting in the arena, we have back-up gear (and a back-up person) that can handle these shots.
- Have a young greenie and worry about a photographer scaring him/her, but still would like pictures? Never fear! I am open to all kinds of requests, such as shooting only when you're at the opposite half of the arena from me (minimizing shutter noise), or even shooting from the stands if you have rides in Hale arena! Your horse will never even know I'm there.
- Did I say we have lots of COOL things planned?

I'll see you next weekend!