I brought my wedding photography game to this show at Longview Horse Park last weekend and played around with the amazing light! For the exhibitors that were showing around sunset, there are some fun photos in the galleries (of course there are great photos from ALL of the classes! :) ) Here are a few quick highlights as I get on to several portrait sessions (both equine and human) that need to be edited.
We'll next be at the KCRFTHA show at Longview this Saturday night - you can order photos from the GKCAHA show and even Pony Express shows from earlier in the season right at the show so be sure to stop by our booth (most likely in the gazebo) and say hi to Nancy!
Also. A side note: I am working on a massive blog redesign that will be launched as soon as I catch up on orders and editing (so basically, when pigs fly) and the new interface will be much more segmented so you can search out the posts YOU want to see - whether it be my equine work, weddings, or whatever. Right now, my posts are all mixed in. For those of you who ARE looking to see some of my work in a particular area, visit the tags in the column on the right and click on the subject you're interested in. That's the easiest way to see what you want! (either that, or visit the galleries on my main site, though they are in need of updating AGAIN.)
Thanks to everyone for your patience with emails, phone calls, orders, and session editing. This studio has grown WAY faster than I ever anticipated - and with a full-time job, I spend my evenings - my ENTIRE evenings, playing catch up with the SDP side of things. So PLEASE bear that in mind if I don't get back to you right away - I'm doing the best I can and clawing my way out of a HUGE July and early August! (which means THANKS to all of you for your business and support!)
So....here's the pics!
Hello, cute kid and pony alert! I mean, cutest. pony. ever.

A mildly photogenic pair :)

the kids got even cuter. I'm a sucker for leadline classes!

looove the sheriff's hat!!

the light. it got better and better.