It's been a horrible, stormy, windy winter and flying has been largely not possible. When the annual chili fly-in in Greenfield, Iowa came around at the end of January this year, I didn't hold out much hope of making this rare wintertime flying event, as the last four years in a row had been weathered out. Imagine my surprise when the weather was clear. Jim and I could not take our 120, as it was too breezy, but we headed north in the Bonanza. Of course, I had my camera in hand and was anxious to get a few test shots with my new 80-200 f2.8L lens - well, it's not new, but it's new to me. The new 70-200 is out of my price range as of now, so I found a good copy of the "Magic Drainpipe" and I'm hoping it gives me at least a few good years of service!
Here are a few shots I took throughout the day. The beautiful Cessna 195 belongs to Rick Case, and it is hangared at Midwest National Air Center along with our 120.
click any of these for a larger image.