Friday, June 27, 2008

Airline History Museum Hangar Dance

Here are a few shots from the 40s-era-esque hangar dance down at the Airline History Museum, Kansas City Downtown Airport. Seriously, what a fun evening. This setting evoked SO much nostalgia. There were retired flight attendants wearing their uniforms from bygone eras, and dancing to a swing/big band orchestra right beside a stunning TWA DC-3? Seriously, how cool is that?

I'd like to pimp the AHM's fall hangar dance Oct. 11. Watch their website for updates as the event gets closer. In the meantime, here are some photos from the May event to entice you to attend in October!

While I spent too much time dancing and not much photographing (will change that in October!) I did also snag some shots of our Cessna 120 - that Jim and I flew in to put on display under the Connie. Just when I think I have every shot possible of this airplane, I get it underneath a Lockheed Constellation. How cool is that?!?